Containers for Change

Over the 2022-23 financial year, Cairns Natural Spring Water has been a collaborator with Queensland’s Container Refund Scheme, Containers for Change.

A record amount of over 1.9 billion containers were returned in Queensland throughout the year, and we are proud to have been a part of that!

Read on to see the Container Exchange Queensland (COEX QLD) FY23 Beverage Manufacturers Report for further information about the scheme:

COEX QLD FY23 Beverage Manufacturers Report

A record number of containers were returned throughout the scheme this year, with more than 1.9 billion containers returned in FY23 and more than 8.1 billion since the scheme’s launch.

Further, we have seen:

  • the creation of over 873 jobs throughout the state since scheme launch;
  • collection rate of 63.5%; 
  • $166 million paid to Queenslanders;
  • $3.1 million paid to charities and community groups; and
  • an additional 84,702 member registrations

None of this would be possible without your cooperation and support.  

We encourage you to review COEX’s Annual Report for a full breakdown of the scheme’s achievements over the last financial year, this will be published early October. 

FY23 Beverage Manufacturer Report

Please see below your Beverage Manufacturers Report for FY23. This report will provide you with information highlighting your participation and support in Containers for Change QLD during the last financial year. It is prepared and distributed pursuant to clause 7.5 of your Container Recovery Agreement with COEX.

The report highlights:

  • The aggregate audited number of Containers for which refund amounts have been paid by Refund Point Operators (“CRPOs”) from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
  • The aggregate audited number of Containers for which the Material Recovery Facility Operators (“MRFs”) have lodged claims for payment of recovery amounts from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 and the total amount of recovery amounts paid by COEX in that Financial Year.
  • COEX’s calculation of your market share calculated by reference to the aggregate audited number of Beverage Products (by Material Type and in aggregate for all Material Types) Sold from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

Beverage Manufacturer Status

A small beverage manufacturer is one who sells “not more than 300,000” beverage products in a financial year (see s 99R of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (QLD) and regs 36 of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Regulation 2023 QLD). A small beverage manufacturer is only required to make scheme contributions quarterly (whereas large beverage manufacturers are invoiced monthly).

COEX uses your annual statutory declaration to determine whether you are a small or large beverage manufacturer moving forward. Accordingly, starting next reporting period you are classified as a small beverage manufacturer. If you wish to receive monthly invoices, please notify COEX by 9 October 2023.


Aggregate container volume collected by CRPOs
Aggregate container volume collected by MRFs
Recovery Amounts paid to MRFs
$27.3m (incl GST)
Eligible beverage products sold by Beverage Manufacturers
Eligible beverage products exported out of QLD

Market share by Material Type

Material Type QLD Market Share
0.00000 %
0.00000 %
0.00000 %
Liquid Paper Board
0.00000 %
Material Type QLD Market Share
APET Clear
0.02019 %
PET Coloured
0.00000 %
0.00000 %
0.00000 %
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